How The Bhagavad Gita Shows the Way
•Posted on September 28 2021

The literal meaning of Bhagavad Gita is the ‘Song of God.’ It occupies chapters 23 to 40 of Book 6 of the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata. The Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture written by the sage Ved Vyasa.
The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and his friend and devotee Arjun. Just before the war, Arjun is overcome with despair and doubt. He looks at the battlefield and wonders how he can fight and kill people who are his relatives, friends and brethren. In a moment of dejection, he lays down his Gandiva bow and arrows, before the commencement of the war, and tells Lord Krishna, that he would not be able to participate in the war. Lord Krishna who is also Arjun’s charioteer in the war, goes on to explain the philosophy of life and the battle of dharma against adharma. He tells Arjun that all he has to do is carry out the duty he was born for—that of being a Kshatriya.
The Bhagavad Gita is considered to be the single most important spiritual text of all times. The lessons it contains are invaluable and relevant even today. The beauty of the Gita lies in the fact that it contains life lessons that cover almost every aspect of life and our conduct in the same. It is believed that just keeping the Gita at home is extremely auspicious. Reading it regularly provides one with clarity of thought and improves the way one behaves.
Lessons from the Gita
Your duty above everything else. We often come across situations in life where we are conflicted. The Gita shows us that our primary focus should be on fulfilling our duty. We shouldn’t focus on the results of our actions. The Gita tells us to work towards a goal but not concentrate on what will happen when we achieve the goal.
Everything happens for a reason. There will always be ups and downs in life. When we are going through a bad phase, we always question why we are suffering. Lord Krishna says that nothing in life happens without a reason. Good and bad times are part and parcel of life. When we start accepting this, we shall be able to rise above the feelings of despair.
A mind focused on money cannot mediate. There are various mentions of mediation in the Gita as a means of attaining inner peace and calmness of mind. A person who hankers after money shall not be able to gain peace of mind.
Change is the only constant. Nothing in life is permanent. Fortunes can change in an instant. No one type of time ever stays the same. Accepting this helps us to tackle sudden changes and challenges that life throws us in a better and more composed manner.
We are born empty-handed and shall die empty-handed. Hankering after money, fame and wealth leaves a person feeling shallow. At the time of death none of these things accompany us. It is the store of good deeds which help us attain salvation. So, one should focus on doing good and accumulating good karma.
We all have inner strength. Each of us is born with the ability to face extraordinary challenges in life. But doubts assail us and prevent us from being strong. Lord Krishna in the Gita says that tapping into our store of inner strength shall enable us to face any obstacle.
The law of Karma is supreme. What we do is what we get. Every deed, every action forms a circle which finds its way back to us. Therefore, we should live a life filled with good deeds so that we can accumulate good karma which shall help us become better people.
- Stay away from indecision. An indecisive person can never be successful. One should have steadiness of mind and focus on the task at hand. Drifting away from one’s tasks and goals will only lead to problems.
The Bhagavad Gita might be over 5000 years old but it’s truly incredible how it can show us the way to lead a good life if the teachings within it are followed. Daily reading of even a small portion shall enable a person to live a life which follows the principle of good karma and steadfastness in one’s goal.
Written by Aarti Natarajan Sharma