The Seven Chakras of the Human Body
•Posted on October 06 2021

The chakras of the human body refer to its focal points that are used in various meditation practices. They are referred to as the energy centres of the body. The term chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. According to Hindu scriptures, there are seven chakras in the human body, with each chakra representing major organs and nerve bundles. They are said to regulate the different emotions of an individual.
The seven chakras are aligned along the spinal cord of a person. They start from the root or the base of the spine and extend up to the crown on the head. Interestingly, each chakra is associated with a colour of the rainbow.
Read on to know what the seven major chakras and how they can benefit you.
Root Chakra or Muladhara
True to its name, this chakra is situated at the base of the spinal cord. The chakra lays the foundation of a person’s life and helps him/her to stay grounded. It gives him/her the power to withstand challenges. In other words, this chakra keeps the person stable and secure.
This chakra develops between 1 and 7 years of age in an individual. It is associated with the colour red and represented by the element Earth. The root chakra can be kept open by opting for grounding-into-feet poses like the warrior, mountain and bridge yoga poses. If it is imbalanced, the person tends to feel tired and face problems like constipation, poor sleep, depression and low back pain.
Sacral Chakra or Swadishtana
This chakra is present just below the naval button. The chakra stimulates the creative and sexual energies in an individual. It is also associated with how a human being relates to his/her personal relationships and emotions as well as to the emotions of others around him/her.
The chakra develops when a person is between 8 and 14 years of age. Orange is the colour pertaining to this chakra and it is represented by the Water element. The sacral chakra can be balanced by performing hip opening poses such as the bound angle or sitting/standing wide forward bend pose. A person with this chakra blocked finds less desire and creativity, personal relationships affected and encounters hormonal imbalances.
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
This chakra is located in the stomach area in the upper abdomen. The chakra helps a person develop control in his/her life and a sense of belonging as well as boosts his/her confidence, worth and esteem about self. It also assists an individual in expressing his/her true self.
The chakra develops in an individual between 15 and 21 years of age. It is linked with the colour yellow and is represented by the Fire element. The solar plexus chakra is kept active by opting for heat building poses like boat, sun salutation, warrior, bow and sitting half-spinal twist poses. If this chakra is blocked, a person experiences a sense of depression, fear of rejection, timidness lack of self-confidence and self-esteem as well as inability to take a decision in his/her life.
Heart Chakra or Anahata
As the name indicates, this chakra is situated near the heart of a person. The chakra acts as a bridge between the upper chakras related to spirituality and the lower chakras related to materiality. It relates to the ability of an individual to love and feel loved by others and himself/herself. The chakra also influences other traits like compassion, forgiveness, trust and wisdom.
This chakra is manifested in a person between his/her 21 and 28 years of age. It is related with the colour green and is characterised by the Air element. The heart chakra can be retained in an unblocked state by performing chest opening yoga poses like fish, cobra or camel pose and pranayamas such as bellow breath or alternate nostril breathing. An individual experiences difficulty with love, mood swings, despair and no compassion or hope if this chakra is blocked.
Throat Chakra or Vishuddha
This chakra is present in the throat area of an individual around his/her nerve plexus of the pharynx. The chakra is related to the verbal communication ability of a person. It helps a person to express himself/herself clearly and truly as well as portray faith and creativity.
The chakra develops between 29 and 35 years of age in an individual. It is related with the colour blue and is highlighted by the Sound element. The throat chakra can be kept activated by indulging in poses like fish, bridge and cat stretch poses or alternatively doing neck stretches such as supported shoulder stand and balasana. A person faces problems like lack of faith, creativity and expressiveness, addiction and weak will power if this chakra is closed.
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna
This chakra is situated between the eyebrows of a person. The chakra is closely associated with his/her imagination and intuition. It deals with his/her intuitive reasoning, understanding, intellect, detachment and implementation of ideas.
The chakra develops when a person is between 36 and 42 years of age. It is linked with the colour indigo and is highlighted by the Light element. The third eye chakra can be kept open by following the child pose, seated yoga mudra, eye exercises and meditation. An individual faces several difficulties such as indiscipline, concentration issues, confusion, fear of truth and poor judgement if this chakra is inactive.
Crown Chakra or Sahasrara
This chakra is situated at the top of the head or the crown. The chakra integrates the mind, body and spirit of an individual. It also influences his/her conscious awareness and spiritual connection to self as well as others. The chakra additionally plays a vital role in helping a person in determining the purpose of his/her life.
The chakra develops in an individual between 43 and 49 years of age. It is associated with the colour violet and is highlighted by the Divine Consciousness element. The crown chakra is stimulated by carrying out the headstand or tree pose and/or engaging in meditation. Very few people manage to open this chakra fully. A person encounters issues like developing a materialistic nature, lack of purpose and inspiration, identity crisis, disbelief in spirituality and a sense of fear with this chakra in the closed state.
The chakras must be opened or balanced for their effective functioning. If a chakra is blocked, the person feels emotional or physical symptoms with respect to that specific chakra. It has been proved that yoga is quite beneficial in opening up closed chakras. One can also opt for other means such as meditation, chanting mantras, showing gratitude, deep breathing exercises, forgiveness and creative visualisation to ensure that they remain balanced. Whether he/she wants to opt for just one or more than one method is a matter of personal choice.
Written by Deepthi K