Meditation, in simple terms, can be defined as the exercise of the mind. This is usually practised by being seated with one’s eyes closed.
The three main aspects of meditation are relaxation, awareness, and focus. One of the key advantages of meditation is that it helps you to take charge or control of your mind. Hindus follow different types of meditation to help them feel relaxed and enjoy a stress-free lifestyle.
While you can opt to follow multiple types of meditation at a time, it is advisable to practise only one for best results.
Let’s find out about various meditation types to try and find out which one works best for you.
Transcendental Meditation
This kind of meditation was formulated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in mid 1950s. However, it gained popularity only towards the end of 1960 and early 70s. To practise this meditation, you must sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and recite a mantra for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can do this twice or thrice a day.
You have to learn transcendental meditation from a guru before beginning to practise it on your own. This meditation is associated with several health benefits such as lowering the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
Spiritual Meditation
This meditation style helps you develop a deeper connection or bonding with your favourite deity. It is typically practised in silence and the emphasis is on your breath. In other words, all your thoughts must be focused on your breath. Interestingly, the experience rendered by the meditation varies from individual to individual.
Some people opt for spiritual meditation to develop a clear mind and seek spiritual growth while others find that it helps them to feel relaxed and free of stress. This meditation can be done at home or in a temple.
Kundalini Meditation
This is one of the most difficult types of meditation. Taking lessons from a professional to do this is a must. The meditation can be done anywhere and involves taking several deep breaths and chanting a mantra of your choice. It is often done by sitting upright in a cross-legged position and can be practised for as less as 3 minutes or as long as 2.5 hours. The main focus is on arousing the kundalini energy of a person present at the end of his/her backbone and guiding it towards enlightenment.
Practitioners of Kundali meditation often chant the “I am” or the sat nam mantra to pay attention to their breath and awareness. This meditation is believed to bring a perfect balance of the body, mind and soul. It also enhances your sleep and the cognitive functioning of your mind.
Chakra Meditation
The Sanskrit term chakra means wheel and there are 109 chakras in the human body. Among these, seven of them have the most significance and represent energy centres. These energy centres are located at pivotal points from the bottom of the spine to the crown of the head and are interconnected. Each chakra is associated with a different colour. They must be balanced perfectly for a healthy living and act as a link to connect the mind, spirit and body as a single system. Chakra meditation can be done in a lying down position or sitting in the lotus pose. Once you have chosen a comfortable position, take a deep breath to relax your body.
You should start this meditation by first focusing on the root chakra and ending with the crown chakra. Chakra meditation is ended with several deep breaths followed by opening your eyes and stretching yourself. It helps to get rid of blockages in your body. It enhances vision, helps in depression, and helps in keeping anger under control.
Hindu meditation is also referred to as dhyana. The main aim of this meditation is to help you to unite with your atman or soul and develop a bond with the Brahman. It also guides you towards analysing your mind and body to develop a sense of self-awareness.