Mystical Mathura's Mythological Significance
•Posted on November 26 2021

The birthplace of Lord Krishna, Mathura, carries immense significance for Hindus. Krishna is one of Lord Vishnu's avatars. Mathura appears in a variety of works, including archaeological records, epics, poetry, and religious texts. Mathura, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, is one of India's seven oldest holy towns. Its origins may be traced back to the reign of King Shoorsen, who is supposed to be the son of Shatrughna, one among Lord Rama's brothers. A few additional names, such as Methora, Madura, Matoli, as well as Sauripur, have been recorded in certain earlier writings.
Mathura is one of Hinduism's holiest and most historically significant cities. Vrindavan, Gokul, and Govardhan are also included when Mathura is discussed. Puranic scriptures and epics provide detailed descriptions of this location, which has changed not only in name but also in topography. The area of Mathura, according to the Varaha Purana, was twenty Yojan (a unit of measurement). This city was described in the Harivansh Purana as being situated in a semicircular shape on the banks of the Yamuna River.
Mathura may have been robbed and stripped of all of its glory, yet it is still a living city. It is a location to be proud of and a symbol of India's vigor and perseverance. Mathura has been founded thousands of years before Rome. Kansa, according to tradition, was formerly the ruler of Mathura. Kansa was terrified by an astrological prophesy that predicted his death at the hands of one of his sister's sons. He imprisoned his sister and brother-in-law, not wanting to take any chances, so he could murder all of her children. God, on the other hand, had different plans. Krishna, Devaki, and Vasudev's eighth child evaded death.
Vasudev's and Devaki's shackles automatically opened. Krishna was safely transported to Gokul. Krishna was born and raised in that land. His heroic acts, pranks, as well as spell-casting flute, have been passed down the generations. Krishna assassinated Kansa and ushered in a period of peace and tranquility. Every inch of Mathura's and the Braj region's soil is littered with legends about Krishna, who bestowed splendor, holiness, and tranquility on this land.
Brajbhumi is a full complex that includes Mathura and Vrindavana. Its whole expanse includes a huge region, and this is an area that is supposed to have existed since the beginning of time and is classified as a Swayambhu - something that has existed since the beginning of time. Dhruva is reported to have been urged by the sage Narada to come here for penance and to get God's ultimate audience. It was a lush forest, not a city, at the time. The Yamuna River was luxurious. On the riverbanks, there were 24 bathing platforms with stone stairs leading to the water.
Mathura is known as the "City of Temples" because of its high number of temples. Dwarkadhish is the most well-known temple. This temple follows the Vallabha sect's devotion and service method, which was founded by Shri Vallabhacharya. Ghatashram Narayana Temple is unique in that it has a statue of Kubja surrounded by Radha on the opposite side of Krishna. The temple of Govind Ji is close to the Dwarkadhish temple. Birlas, wealthy entrepreneurs, funded the construction of Shii Radha Vallabha and Shii Rangji's temples.
Holi, which is a festival of colors celebrated after harvesting, owes much of its popularity and importance to its romantic relationship with Brajbhumi, and the manner Krishna is claimed to have reveled in the play of color with his Gopis is no longer the same. Holi, the Barjbhumi festival of colors, which is celebrated with tremendous zeal, is something that must be highlighted. All of the dancing, songs, and feasts show and narrate incidents from Radha, Krishna, and their mates. Mathura, with its rich history and lingering appeal, continues and may do so for several more years.